Why do you ask?) The thief - or someone who bought the phone on the grey market following the theft, a distinct possibility that seems to go unentertained here - failed to turn off the Dropbox function that automatically backs up photos taken with the camera. (Yes, it was while she and her friends were drunk, swimming in the ocean, and had left all their things in a pile on a darkened beach. That’s how one anonymous Tumblr user responded to the loss of her iPhone, which was stolen when she was on vacation on the Mediterranean island of Ibiza. Otherwise, you run the risk of becoming the star of a Tumblr making all your selfies and snapshots available to the whole of the Internet.
Or at the very least, make sure you shut off the former owner’s automatic photo upload service.
A note to potential thieves - if you’re going to steal someone’s iPhone, delete the info on it after you do.